Hair Extensions -
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Get Longer, Thicker, Fuller Hair with
Great Lengths Hair Extensions!

Are Hair Extensions for You?

Have you resorted to taking natural supplements with the promise of thicker, fuller hair to only be disappointed?

Would you like to add some different tones in your hair but don’t feel comfortable colouring your natural hair?

What if we told you, your dream hair is possible with the help of Great Lengths Keratin Bond hair extensions.

And with over 90+ shades to choose from – you’ll easily find a hair extension color to suit your hair.

Your Hair Extensions Choice

We have chosen Great Lengths Keratin bonds because they are the most natural hair extension solution that will not damage your own hair.

The bonds attach to your hair to create a seamless natural result.

Great Lengths use only the best quality ‘Remy Hair’.

This means each strand of hair in the extension, follows the natural direction the hair would grow, keeping it smoother, healthier and less tangly.

Once you try these hair extensions, you will never want to use another type again.

And the best thing….no one will ever be able to tell.


Hair Extension Story

Watch this great video below for more information on how Great Lengths hair extend are sourced and produced.

Hair Extension FAQ’s

Answers to some of the most popular questions we get about hair extensions.

Short answer….Yes!

Our highly trained stylist are experienced in colouring around hair extensions and can offer you advice on the best solution for you.

Price will vary from client to client because it is a highly personalised service.

Depending on if you would like to add length, thickness, or some dimensional colour will determine how many strands you will require.

Our stylist can give you an accurate price with a personal consultation.

Yes, most people with fine hair can have Great Lengths bonded hair extensions.

Fine strands are designed for this reason to maintain a natural looking result.

Yes swimming in both chlorine and salt water is fine with these extensions.

It is recommended to rinse, wash and dry your hair as soon as possible.

The only exception could be if you were a daily swimmer. Our stylist can examine your natural hair and offer advice if extensions would be suitable for you and your lifestyle.

Extensions can be treated as regular hair, although it does require some special attention to keep them looking their best.

Your stylist will give you a complete care guide to help you get the best out of your hair extensions.

Most peoples extensions will last anywhere from 3-6 months depending on how well they are looked after.

Please note: It is expected to lose some extensions in that time due to natural hair loss.

Enquire About
Hair Extensions

Book Your Consultation Now!